Section of Experiments

In relation with the development of experimental physics within FYKOS, an experimental section was founded in September 2007. Its purpose is to organize traditional events (Day of Experimental Physics, Week of Applied Physics), arrange for cyclic alteration of visited workplaces, maintain experimental equipment (for FYKOS camps and other events) and prepare new experiments. The section is responsible for providing information and software assistance to FYKOS’ experimental problems and for updating this webpage. You can consult the chief organizer, or preferably directly the administrator of the experimental section about all issues concerning experimental physics in FYKOS.

Guide - instructions for solving experimental problems

Experimental afternoon at FYKOS camps

From autumn 2006, an experimental afternoon/day is held during each camp. Participants work on various experiments, which usually contain: easier or more complex theoretical background, derivation of (or simply looking up) a relation among physical quantities, designing a method of measuring, carrying out the experiment, precise processing of the measured data (including evaluation of errors), discussion, and presenting (defending) the outcome at a mini-conference.

An important part of it is graphing the measured data and graphical analysis. The participants get a unique opportunity to try to work in science programs and to master methods of graphic processing (namely fitting and the principle of least squares, calibration of meters and gauges, and interpreting graphs). The whole time there is a possibility of immediate discussion with the organizers. Participants can use all the experience in their future solutions to FYKOS experimental problems, at high school laboratory classes and, of course, at university practical classes. Moreover, participants can create a script for the Gnuplot program (our Czech tutorial can be found here), which can be used to automate measuring and data processing. At a mini-conference, participants get an idea of what presenting one’s work to experts looks like. That prepares them for defending their bachelor’s and master’s thesis etc.

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